RIPE68 DB-WG Draft Agenda V3

This is the V3 draft of an agenda for the DB-WG Meeting at RIPE68 in Warsaw, scheduled for Wednesday, May 14, 2014. For remote participation see Looking forward to see you tomorrow! Wilfried. ________________________________________________________________________ A. Administrative Matters . Welcome . select scribe . finalise agenda . approval of minutes from previous WG meeting(s) . review of action list B. Data Base Operational Update (Denis Walker, Ed Shryane, RIPE NCC) C. New DB-Software functionality - in test, schduled for deployment (sponsoring LIR) D. Removal of attributes - consensus on removing referral-by:, implementation - consensus on removing changed:, implementation - status and implementation of last-modified - any open issues? E. 2012-07 implementation F. Status update on IETF WEIRDS activities (Ed Shryane, RIPE NCC) G. Personalised Authorisation (Denis Walker, RIPE NCC) Y. Input from other Working Groups and/or Task Forces t.b.c. Z. AOB - removal of geo-location functionality? - removal of white pages service? - creation of a TF for a major review of the DB environment? ________________________________________________________________________ 13.05.2014 13:00 UTC
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber