Hello, Just one thing I'd like to point out : it seems that the database used to create the maintainer report is not sync with the 'live' db... I've been doing some deletion on Sunday, and got the Ack on monday Morning. Looking at the report generated this morning, refreshing, updating the pages again and again, I can still find the same 'mistakes' which are not in the live db (the update has really been processed). Am i missing something ? Regards, Paul Paul Rolland, rol@oleane.net France Telecom Oleane/Direction Technique/Directeur France Telecom Oleane/Technical Direction/Director -- Please no MIME, I don't read it - Pas de MIME, je ne le lis pas Please no HTML, I'm not a navigator - Pas d'HTML, je ne suis pas un navigateur "Some people dreams of success... while others wake up and work hard at it"

Hi Paul, Paul Rolland wrote:
Just one thing I'd like to point out : it seems that the database used to create the maintainer report is not sync with the 'live' db... I've been doing some deletion on Sunday, and got the Ack on monday Morning. Looking at the report generated this morning, refreshing, updating the pages again and again, I can still find the same 'mistakes' which are not in the live db (the update has really been processed).
This was due to a disk space problem. The consistency script processed saturday's data over and over again... We have corrected the problem and it must run properly this night. Thanks for pointing out, and sorry for any inconvenience, Regards, Engin Gunduz RIPE NCC Database Group
Am i missing something ?
Regards, Paul
Paul Rolland, rol@oleane.net France Telecom Oleane/Direction Technique/Directeur France Telecom Oleane/Technical Direction/Director
Please no MIME, I don't read it - Pas de MIME, je ne le lis pas Please no HTML, I'm not a navigator - Pas d'HTML, je ne suis pas un navigateur
"Some people dreams of success... while others wake up and work hard at it"

Hello, Dans son message (In his/her message), Engin Gunduz ecrivait (wrote) :
Hi Paul,
Paul Rolland wrote:
This was due to a disk space problem. The consistency script processed saturday's data over and over again... We have corrected the problem and it must run properly this night. OK...
Thanks for pointing out, and sorry for any inconvenience, No problem, thanks for the correction, and no inconvenience except some delays, which is something we can accept :-)
Regards, Paul Paul Rolland, rol@oleane.net France Telecom Oleane/Direction Technique/Directeur France Telecom Oleane/Technical Direction/Director -- Please no MIME, I don't read it - Pas de MIME, je ne le lis pas Please no HTML, I'm not a navigator - Pas d'HTML, je ne suis pas un navigateur "I hate monday morning" - Garfield "I hate * morning" - Me
participants (2)
Engin Gunduz
Paul Rolland