Dear All, Following a request from the Chair, here is the status of the works on the new implementation of the RIPE database. Currently we are testing the query part of the database. It has been made publicly available at http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/pub-services/db/reimp/ on December 31, 1999 and a message has been sent to the db-beta mailing list. The database contains about 2.5 million objects corresponding to all the objects as of June 17th. You should also be able to query it directly at reimp.ripe.net, port 43. Please have a look and let us know if you spot something terribly wrong. We would like to detect as many differences as possible with respect to the old database. We know that some types of queries returned wrong information in the old incarnation, notably the more/less specific route/inetnum queries. This changed now with the introduction of radix trees. There may be some bugs though, so everybody is encouraged to try the server and compare the output. The source code has also been released. It can be found at our ftp site: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/dbase/reimp/RIP-0.1.0beta1.tar.gz All comments are welcome. We are now actively working on making the server a near-real-time mirror client of our main (old) server, so that the data in both is nearly identical at all times. We are confident this will be available in the next days, maybe weeks. The part which needs most work is the update part. We are also working on that quite hard now. Our goal is to present the community with a working beta version including updates, around the time of the coming RIPE meeting at the end of February 1900^H^H^H^H2000. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact <ripe-dbm@ripe.net>. Regards, Marek Bukowy ____________________________ RIPE Database Administration.
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RIPE Database Administration