Re: [db-wg] [anti-abuse-wg] objection to RIPE policy proposal

Hello I am also impressed and concerned with the old, inopportune and improper posture of the gentlemen Randy Bush and Gert Doering. Denis, it is gratifying to hear someone concerned about the future of the Internet and with the exponential increase in the abuse. Greed, not wanting to plagiarize Gordon Gekko, reigns absolute and moves the wheels of the global economy. The agenda is: cheat as much as you can, just try not to get caught. HSBC and Volkswagen are the portrait of this posture unethical where the end, profit, justifies the means. You all have the opportunity to do the right thing. How do you want to be remembered? Or you start a remediation process of such abuses or will be done by rulers (governments) pressured by the world's population. Thanks Marilson

Hi, On Fri, Mar 04, 2016 at 12:41:11AM -0300, Marilson wrote:
I am also impressed and concerned with the old, inopportune and improper posture of the gentlemen Randy Bush and Gert Doering.
Always happy to impress the young. WTF? I've never said people should not handle abuse, or publish abuse contacts (and if you've ever dealt with us, you know that we take all abuse reports very seriously, and of course, our published abuse-c: is read and acted upon). I disagree with implementation details of abuse-c: (namely the mandatory indirection via an organisation: object) and with the claims that it is a strict requirement "for the registry functions of the RIPE NCC" - which it isn't. The registry needs to know who they have a contract with, and that's something abuse-c: is orthogonal to - it does not make a difference either way. Gert Doering -- NetMaster -- have you enabled IPv6 on something today...? SpaceNet AG Vorstand: Sebastian v. Bomhard Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 Aufsichtsratsvors.: A. Grundner-Culemann D-80807 Muenchen HRB: 136055 (AG Muenchen) Tel: +49 (0)89/32356-444 USt-IdNr.: DE813185279

I am also impressed and concerned with the old, inopportune and improper posture of the gentlemen Randy Bush and Gert Doering. Always happy to impress the young.
and i always love ad hominem attacks; a sure sign of a loser.
I've never said people should not handle abuse, or publish abuse contacts (and if you've ever dealt with us, you know that we take all abuse reports very seriously, and of course, our published abuse-c: is read and acted upon).
I disagree with implementation details of abuse-c: (namely the mandatory indirection via an organisation: object) and with the claims that it is a strict requirement "for the registry functions of the RIPE NCC" - which it isn't. The registry needs to know who they have a contract with, and that's something abuse-c: is orthogonal to - it does not make a difference either way.
yup. but i do think the confusion is at least partly that the ncc database does not make clear the differentiation between the the ncc registry data and the less formal member data, kinda called the irr elsewhere. i think arin may be the only rir which still has clear separation; they just run the registry and let the irr go loose. and before one asserts that is the cause of bad irr data in noam, note that afrinic, apnic, and lacnic all mix the datasets and have sucky irr data; except for ocd japan, of course. i conject that irr maintenance is a cultural thing. randy
participants (3)
Gert Doering
Randy Bush