RIPE65 DB-WG Draft Agenda V1

Dear DB-WG folks, Chairpersons, "Meeting"! This is the 1st draft of an agenda for the DB-WG at RIPE65 in Amsterdam, September 26, 2012. For time slot allocations please refer to the most up-to-date meeting plan at The DB-WG Meeting is scheduled for *Wednesday*, starting at 09:00 local time / 07:00 UTC in the morning. The length of our timeslot is 90 Minutes. The overall (draft) RIPE 65 meeting outline is already available at Please feel free to propose additional topics to be discussed! I'd also suggest that you submit your points of view regarding the topics on the proposed agenda on the mailing list, preferably before the WG meeting's start :-) Best regards, hope to see you soon in Amsterdam (which happens to *not* be in Slovenia :-) as I have been told ), Wilfried. ________________________________________________________________________ A. Administrative Matters . Welcome . select scribe . finalise agenda . approval of minutes from previous WG meeting(s) . review of action list B. Data Base Update (N.N., RIPE NCC) C. Discussion GeoLoc data in the DB (WW144) - status, statistics, use - use / usfulness? D. Status update on IETF WEIRDS activities (Olof Kolkman, t.b.c.) Y. Input from other Working Groups and/or Task Forces Z. AOB ________________________________________________________________________
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet