Dear all, having missed the last RIPE meeting I'm unfortunately somewhat out of date regarding this, but could someone please enlighten me about the current plans for deployment of RPSLng in the regular RIPE database? I am using rpslng.ripe.net, but unfortunately almost noone else does. Running a network without any sustainable prefix authorization sucks quite hard, it is a real pain to have to contact your upstream by mail if you have a new prefix (besides other things). Are there any problems with RPSLng currently? Thanks Bernhard

On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 11:23:47PM +0200, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
having missed the last RIPE meeting I'm unfortunately somewhat out of date regarding this, but could someone please enlighten me about the current plans for deployment of RPSLng in the regular RIPE database?
Good question...
I am using rpslng.ripe.net, but unfortunately almost noone else does.
Probably because people don't have too much time to devote to playing around. :-Z I would love to see a production version of the RPSLng server... Best regards, Daniel -- CLUE-RIPE -- Jabber: dr@cluenet.de -- dr@IRCnet -- PGP: 0xA85C8AA0

Daniel Roesen wrote:
On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 11:23:47PM +0200, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
having missed the last RIPE meeting I'm unfortunately somewhat out of date regarding this, but could someone please enlighten me about the current plans for deployment of RPSLng in the regular RIPE database?
Good question...
I am using rpslng.ripe.net, but unfortunately almost noone else does.
Probably because people don't have too much time to devote to playing around. :-Z
I would love to see a production version of the RPSLng server...
The RPSLng draft is currently in the IETF RFC editor queue. We are co-ordinating with Merit, who run RADB, to try to put RPSLng into production at the same time. I expect we will do this in a few months. -- Shane Kerr RIPE NCC

On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 09:43:46AM +0200, Shane Kerr wrote:
The RPSLng draft is currently in the IETF RFC editor queue. We are co-ordinating with Merit, who run RADB, to try to put RPSLng into production at the same time. I expect we will do this in a few months.
Thanks Shane. Let us know if there's anything we can do to speed that up. Best regards, Daniel -- CLUE-RIPE -- Jabber: dr@cluenet.de -- dr@IRCnet -- PGP: 0xA85C8AA0

FYI, Merit announced production support of RPSLng in the RADB registry yesterday at NANOG. We also now support native IPv6 queries of the RADB. We decided not to add an AAAA record to whois.radb.net and have instead created a new name -- whois-v6.radb.net -- for the IPv6 address (v6.radb.net works as well). Finally, we've created a new mail list at irrc@merit.edu (subscribe at irrc-request@merit.edu) to discuss IRR coordination issues. The presentation is available at http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0410/pdf/blunk.pdf Regards, Larry Blunk Merit

Hi Daniel, Daniel Roesen wrote:
On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 11:23:47PM +0200, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
having missed the last RIPE meeting I'm unfortunately somewhat out of date regarding this, but could someone please enlighten me about the current plans for deployment of RPSLng in the regular RIPE database?
Good question...
I am using rpslng.ripe.net, but unfortunately almost noone else does.
So how do they produce the bgp policy configuration ? What do big ISP do with IPv6 policy configuration ?
Probably because people don't have too much time to devote to playing around. :-Z
Partly true. I have devoted some time to integrate our current RPSL to RPSLng. So check in for AS5408. The next task to do is to assure that RtConfig produces the desired result.
I would love to see a production version of the RPSLng server...
Yup that is the next thing I would like to have too. Best regards, Dimitrios
Best regards, Daniel
-- -- Dimitrios K. Kalogeras Electrical Engineer Ph.D. Network Manager NTUA/GR-Net Network Management Center _____________________________________ icq: 11887484 voice: +30-210-772 1863 fax: +30-210-772 1866 e-mail: D.Kalogeras@noc.ntua.gr pub 1024D/F2A69A72 2002-12-13 Dimitrios Kalogeras <D.Kalogeras@noc.ntua.gr> Key fingerprint = 64C5 646D 8D33 A3FF 14D1 66C6 5127 54CC F2A6 9A72

Hi Dimitrios, btw... your posting didn't came through on db-wg/ipv6-wg mailing lists for unknown reasons. On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 05:23:54PM +0300, Dimitrios Kalogeras wrote:
I am using rpslng.ripe.net, but unfortunately almost noone else does.
So how do they produce the bgp policy configuration ?
All I've seen: manual.
What do big ISP do with IPv6 policy configuration ?
Again, all manual. Same as with IPv4. I've never seen anyone actually using RtConfig output for anything else then destilling prefix/aspath lists from them in order to use those in own generator tools. Given my own very basic and short playing with RtConfig, I can somewhat understand why. Best regards, Daniel -- CLUE-RIPE -- Jabber: dr@cluenet.de -- dr@IRCnet -- PGP: 0xA85C8AA0

On 9-okt-04, at 21:57, Daniel Roesen wrote:
What do big ISP do with IPv6 policy configuration ?
Again, all manual. Same as with IPv4.
I've never seen anyone actually using RtConfig output for anything else then destilling prefix/aspath lists from them in order to use those in own generator tools. Given my own very basic and short playing with RtConfig, I can somewhat understand why.
It would make countless lives much easier if it were possible to submit a query to the db that gives back the desired output rather than having to use these very complex tools. That doesn't solve the problem that many people don't register their stuff in the db very well, if at all, though.

On Sat, Oct 09, 2004 at 10:54:05PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
I've never seen anyone actually using RtConfig output for anything else then destilling prefix/aspath lists from them in order to use those in own generator tools. Given my own very basic and short playing with RtConfig, I can somewhat understand why.
It would make countless lives much easier if it were possible to submit a query to the db that gives back the desired output rather than having to use these very complex tools.
Agreed, IRRd actually offers that.
That doesn't solve the problem that many people don't register their stuff in the db very well, if at all, though.
Well... my main gripe about all this is the lack of authorization control over route objects. For RIPE it's fine as you normally cannot register a route object without having the authorization of the IP space holder, but this doesn't hold true for all other IRR registries. Best regards, Daniel -- CLUE-RIPE -- Jabber: dr@cluenet.de -- dr@IRCnet -- PGP: 0xA85C8AA0

On 9 Oct, 2004, at 23:14, Daniel Roesen wrote:
On Sat, Oct 09, 2004 at 10:54:05PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
I've never seen anyone actually using RtConfig output for anything else then destilling prefix/aspath lists from them in order to use those in own generator tools. Given my own very basic and short playing with RtConfig, I can somewhat understand why.
It would make countless lives much easier if it were possible to submit a query to the db that gives back the desired output rather than having to use these very complex tools.
Agreed, IRRd actually offers that.
Hmm, that's interesting. Last time I checked the RIPE server provided the same features (except for route-set expansion, mainly due to the fact that when rpsl was defined it was not entirely clear how the expansion was to be performed). To the best of my recollection no one has ever manifested interest in having the RIPE server do that. Joao

On Monday 11 October 2004 09:38, Joao Damas wrote:
On 9 Oct, 2004, at 23:14, Daniel Roesen wrote:
On Sat, Oct 09, 2004 at 10:54:05PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
I've never seen anyone actually using RtConfig output for anything else then destilling prefix/aspath lists from them in order to use those in own generator tools. Given my own very basic and short playing with RtConfig, I can somewhat understand why.
It would make countless lives much easier if it were possible to submit a query to the db that gives back the desired output rather than having to use these very complex tools.
Agreed, IRRd actually offers that.
Hmm, that's interesting. Last time I checked the RIPE server provided the same features (except for route-set expansion, mainly due to the fact that when rpsl was defined it was not entirely clear how the expansion was to be performed). To the best of my recollection no one has ever manifested interest in having the RIPE server do that.
Just to clarify -- IRRd supports a "!i" command to expand route-sets and as-sets. Performing the expansions internally is somewhat of a complex operation and can potentially hit the CPU pretty hard (the RIPE db has a few very large route-sets). Up until a couple years ago, IRRd did not fully handle set expansions. Namely, the expansion code only supported up to two levels of nesting of set names, and did not resolve AS numbers present in route-sets into prefixes. There is also a "!g" command in IRRd which is the functional equivalent of an "-i origin" inverse query in the RIPE server. The main difference being that the "!g" output is in a more compact list of prefixes format. The RIPE server produces fairly compact output when combined with the "-K" flag and it should be pretty trivial to refine the output down to IRRd "!g" style list with a few lines of perl. Merit has not updated the "!g" and "!i" commands in IRRd to support IPv6 prefixes. Doing so would break existing tools. An option would be to add something like a "!6" switch command to let the server know you can handle IPv6 prefixes. We have added support for RIPE server style "-i origin" and "-i member-of" queries which should allow client-side expansions with RPSLng support without breaking existing tools (hopefully!). We could add a !6 switch at a later point if there is sufficient demand. I've been considering enhancing Todd Caine's IRR.pm perl module with support for RIPE style queries and RPSLng. If someone wants to beat me to it, Todd's code can be found here -- http://search.cpan.org/~tcaine/Net-IRR/lib/Net/IRR.pm -Larry Blunk Merit

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
On 9-okt-04, at 21:57, Daniel Roesen wrote:
I've never seen anyone actually using RtConfig output for anything else then destilling prefix/aspath lists from them in order to use those in own generator tools. Given my own very basic and short playing with RtConfig, I can somewhat understand why.
It would make countless lives much easier if it were possible to submit a query to the db that gives back the desired output rather than having to use these very complex tools.
Not a huge ISP but I certainly build my access list and route-maps (and the equivalent Procket policy stuff) using RtConfig with no other magic involved. In my previous job at one of Australia's tier ones we did it that way too. See AS7575 (current policy) and/or AS2764 (previous one) for outrageous aut-num objects. I don't use inet-rtr objects though. Personally I don't think driving RtConfig is all that difficult. Mark.

A few additional comments now that the text is cleaned up: The last sentence of 2.1 is out of context to the heading. The point it is making really belongs in 2.2. It makes a nice lead-in sentence, and taking the word 'these' out would probably fix the sentence to make sense as the start of the next section. 2.2 ... ', and hence there is no specific security value in the NAT function.' That should probably be a stand alone sentence with the 'NAT' string replaced by 'address translation'. The perceived security comes from the lack of pre-established mapping state. Dynamically establishing state in response to internal requests prevents unexpected external connections to internal devices. ... the security policy is already likely to consist of multiple components such as Firewalls, data-filters activity logging and intrusion detection systems. Simplified forms of these for the less security aware users could assist to make their private networks more secure. -delete list- 2.4 ... they do prevent the external tracking and profiling of individual host computers by means of their IP addresses. -(2.3 just talked about how to track if one has access to the NAT, so this one needs to be explicit about external)- ... which some enterprises believe is a useful ... - replace 'enterprises' with 'network managers' - 2.5 ... unique and routable IPv4 address will continue increasing as allocation policies tighten so that they become more difficult to obtain. 'This mechanism allows the simultaneous usage of certain IPv4 prefix for various end-customers or end-systems. The overall benefit to the provider is that fewer globally unique IPv4 addresses are required.' - This is confusing unless the reader understands the need for stability in IPv4 end system configurations. RE: how does simultaneous use of an IPv4 address allow the ISP to use fewer addresses? It really doesn't. The ISP will use as many addresses as it takes for independent instances of an application. What NAT does in this situation is allow the IPv4 end systems to have stable addresses that may overlap with other organizations, and the ISP only needs as many public addresses as there are simultaneous instances of a given app. - This type of local control of address resources allow a clean and hierarchical addressing structure in the network that is not restricted by the size of the publicly routed address pool. 2.6.1 ... larger (probably with less-administrative overhead) IPv4 address range ... 2.6.2 'only have only' -->> 'have' 'For this type of private networks mainly RFC 1918 addressing is used internally to reduce the needed amount of global routable prefixes, because there no need for owned IPv4 prefixes by the enterprise and for simplicity of the administrative overhead by the lack of a dedicated NOC.' - I don't buy the argument to begin with. 'Lack of need' is bogus and we shouldn't propagate it here because it will deflate the value of the IPv6 argument later. We should put this in the context of a cost trade-off, forfeiting some applications in favor of reduced access costs. How about: Small networks typically deploy RFC 1918 addressing internally to limit the explicit charges for publicly routable addresses. This approach also has the advantage of avoiding the administrative overhead and dedicated NOC associated with acquiring blocks of publicly routed address space. 2.6.3 ... 'due to the operational stateful operation' ... - I think the first operational should go. 2.7 - drop the last sentence. For one those savings are only short term, the long term costs of dealing with conflicting space will be higher. For two, the point of the paper is to show how IPv6 makes things better, and even the simplified renumbering will appear to be more expensive than throwing a NAT at the problem. If you really want to say something about cost, put it in the context of -perception-, -short term-, and -simple-. - Why is 2.8 different from 2.2? I though you were going to align the numbering. 2.1 -> 3.2 2.2 -> 3.3 I think we should be able to summarize with a table like: Function 2.x (IPv4) 3.x (IPv6) x.1 Simple Gateway simple management DHCP-PD x.2 Simple security stateful filter reflexive acl x.3 tracking nat state table global uniqueness x.4 topology hiding nat as virtual presence MIPv6 x.5 addressing control RFC 1918 RFC 3177 & ULA x.6 address allocation RFC 1918 RFC 3177 & ULA x.7 renumbering RFC 1918 Multiple addr/interface Just trying to populate that table might clean up the overlaps and make it clear what the point of each section should be. If we can delineate the functions in crisp one or two word labels we can both make it simpler to understand and more consistent between the versions. As it is even I am having trouble figuring out if that table is correct. For example 3041 is listed in 3.5, but it does absolutely nothing for topology hiding. Yes privacy is one aspect of topology hiding, but end system privacy has nothing to do with masking the network topology. 3.2 - why are renumbering & firewalls being discussed in the simple gateway section? - 3.3 - the first two paragraphs are really summary material about ongoing evolution in best practices and shouldn't be here. The last paragraph is somewhat unrelated to the NAT->IPv6 effort. If it stays, comparable text should be in the IPv4 section that makes it clear that open ports through a nat will map to multiple machines, so configured state to run servers in the private space are just as exposed as they would be without the nat. - 3.4 - all of this appears to be too much detail except the next to last paragraph. The last paragraph is about IPv4 and is already stated there so it should not be here. - 3.5 - End system privacy and network topology privacy are very separate topics and shouldn't be in the same section. - - recommending that people use different subnet structures for internal & external is just asking for trouble. Most 1st level ops have a hard enough time with subnets anyway, so making this unnecessarily complex is just a bad idea. 'Untraceable'/host-routes are a much better plan yet not even mentioned here. - 3.6 - should be replaced with: IPv6 provides for autonomy in local use addresses through ULAs (draft-???). At the same time IPv6 simplifies simultaneous use of multiple addresses per interface so that a NAT is not required (or even defined) between the ULA and the public Internet. Nodes that need access to the public Internet should have a global use address, and may simultaneously have a local use ULA. Since the IPv6 address space for global use is not a scarce resource like it is in IPv4, each network should be able to acquire a sufficient quantity for its needs. While global IPv6 allocation policy is managed through the Regional Internet Registries, it is expected that they will continue with derivatives of RFC 3177 for the foreseeable future. 3.7.1 - seems to wander over several topics without a point. - 3.7.3 - if the ISP is allocating /128's then 3041 is not possible. 3.7.x - I still don't see the point in separating these out. There is nothing that says an ISP can't or shouldn't use DHCP-PD for *every* customer interface. The point is the length is flexible so any size network fits. If there is to be a static mapping it should be done on the back side of the DHCP server. The only time you might get into size distinction here is if the customer is not part of the ISP aggregate and is therefore injecting routes. The thing is injecting routes is not a function of IPv4/NAT, so it really doesn't belong in this document. - 3.9 is really a subset of 3.3 I need to call it a day. I don't have a problem with the current draft going out as a -00, but we should follow it with a fixed up -01 asap. Tony
-----Original Message----- From: ipv6-wg-admin@ripe.net [mailto:ipv6-wg-admin@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Bernhard Schmidt Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 2:24 PM To: db-wg@ripe.net Cc: ipv6-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ipv6-wg@ripe.net] RPSLng database deployment?
Dear all,
having missed the last RIPE meeting I'm unfortunately somewhat out of date regarding this, but could someone please enlighten me about the current plans for deployment of RPSLng in the regular RIPE database?
I am using rpslng.ripe.net, but unfortunately almost noone else does. Running a network without any sustainable prefix authorization sucks quite hard, it is a real pain to have to contact your upstream by mail if you have a new prefix (besides other things).
Are there any problems with RPSLng currently?
Thanks Bernhard
participants (6)
Bernhard Schmidt
Daniel Roesen
Dimitrios Kalogeras
Iljitsch van Beijnum
Joao Damas
Larry J. Blunk
Mark Prior
Shane Kerr
Tony Hain