Re: Cc: in <auto-dbm> replies

The suggestion and motivation is excellent, but there are nasty side effects in practice:
Including the Cc: field is a nice way to create mailloops.
When the 'Cc:' address would be used too, there is no way for the database to break the loop since the 'Cc:' address is set by the user and can possibly contain the automatic mail address of the db and/or a (local) alias to the db.
Hi, David! I think the database should send any outgoing mails with sender address <> or similar nonexistent address. This would break any mailing loop. This is acceptable for humanoid recipients too because generally they don't want to reply the notifications and acknowledgements. Regards Gabor

Hi Gabor, wrote:
I think the database should send any outgoing mails with sender address <> or similar nonexistent address. This would break any mailing loop. This is acceptable for humanoid recipients too because generally they don't want to reply the notifications and acknowledgements.
come on, you're kidding, aren't you? This would mean to expand Usenet's bad habits to RIPE email answers. That doesn't seem to be a really good idea... Regards, Carsten -- Carsten Schiefner TCP/IP GmbH, Berlin (Germany) Phone: +49.30.443366-0 Fax: +49.30.443366-15 Mobile: +49.172.5425797 TCP/IP GmbH runs the Contrib.Net backbone ======================================================================

On Fri, Sep 11, 1998 at 09:00:55AM +0200, wrote:
Hi, David!
I think the database should send any outgoing mails with sender address <> or similar nonexistent address. This would break any mailing loop. This is acceptable for humanoid recipients too because generally they don't want to reply the notifications and acknowledgements.
The return address from auto-dbm is already something else, not auto-dbm itself (it's not nobody, it is in fact a human whose "d" key must get more sore than the fire button in a cheap shoot-em-up game from all the bounces). (You might've noticed by actually looking at an auto-dbm reply! :) However, if you start copying Cc: lines, you're in trouble. Think about it a little and you'll figure it out. BTW, I have nothing to do with auto-dbm, but I do build or maintain email robots occasionally, so I know about the problem sphere. -- #! ##### Jan-Pieter Cornet ##### <> ##### perl ++$_;$!=$_+++$_;($:,$,,$/,$*)=$!=~/.(.)...(.)(.).(.)/;$!=$_+$_; ($@,$\,$~)=$!=~/(.)(.).(.)/; $_="$,$/$:"; $@++; $~="$~$_";($_)= \$$=~/\((.)/;$|=++$_;$_++;$|++;$~="$~ $@$:";`$~$/$\$*$, $|>&$_`
participants (3)
Carsten Schiefner