Diversity TF meeting at RIPE 75
Hi everyone, I'd like to propose some options for a Diversity TF meeting. Please fill this in as soon as you can, we'd like to announce the meeting soon: https://doodle.com/poll/3qtnxxdnz4pn93i5 There's quite a few limitations, so I've tried to give options where there isn't a conflict. Many thanks, Amanda
Hi everyone, If you haven't already, if you are in Dubai and would like to participate in the TF meeting, please indicate your date/time preference below. Thanks, Amanda On 09/10/2017 10:24, Amanda Gowland wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'd like to propose some options for a Diversity TF meeting. Please fill this in as soon as you can, we'd like to announce the meeting soon:
There's quite a few limitations, so I've tried to give options where there isn't a conflict.
Many thanks,
participants (1)
Amanda Gowland