As promised, and thanks to the efforts of the RIPE NCC, here is the information for participating in the DNS WG meeting Wednesday 15th, next week.


DNS Working Group - Meeting
Wednesday, 15 April⋅15:00 – 16:30

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 912 876 520
Password: 033462

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Meeting ID: 912 876 520
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Meeting ID: 912 876 520
Password: 033462


Regards and see you soon!
João for the DNS WG chairs

On 4 Apr 2020, at 20:14, Joao Luis Silva Damas <> wrote:

Dear all,

As you may know RIPE 80 is going “virtual”, or online.

The DNS WG chairs will testing a slightly different format, with online sessions focusing on DNS topics throughout the next months.

The first session will take place on April 15th (Wednesday) at 15:00 CEST, using Zoom, provided by the RIPE NCC.

The session topic is “Keeping the root zone signed when standard plans won’t work”. We will count with a presentation from Kim Davies of PTI/ICANN.

We will provide the URL for the meeting as soon as possible, so stay tuned.

Needless to say, as this is a RIPE community meeting the all RIPE meeting participation rules apply, including the RIPE code of conduct.

Hoping to meet you online soon,
Joao Damas for the DNS WG chairs.