On 11/29/21 10:55 PM, Dave Lawrence wrote:
I am in favor of this change. I'd also like if the change was accompanied by measurements of the effect on the relevant authoritative nameservers to determine whether it would be reasonable to reduce the NS TTL even further.
For folks interested in measurement the impact of TTL changes, we did two studies in the past: In [0] we look into the trade-offs between long and short TTLs. You can skip the measurements details and go to Section 6 for the discussion on pros and cons of longer/shorter TTLs. (closely related to what folks are posting to this thread). In [1] we look into the impact of TTLs and caching while auth servers suffer DDoS. -- /giovane SIDN Labs [0] https://www.isi.edu/~johnh/PAPERS/Moura19b.pdf [1] https://www.isi.edu/~johnh/PAPERS/Moura18b.pdf