13 Jun
13 Jun
10:59 p.m.
* Antonio Prado via dns-wg:
On 6/12/18 1:43 PM, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
I guess most answers will be "it depends" :-)
ok, just to recap:
.gov.uk --> central and local .gov.ie --> central .gov.nl --> neither central nor local .go(u)v.fr --> central .gov.it --> central and local (to cancel local by the end of 2018)
any other colleague from other countries wants to contribute?
bund.de is used by the German federal government. I'm not aware of any non-federal users. gov.tr is “for the use of the Turkish governmental organizations and institutions“. It is open to provincial/district governments as well. If I recall correctly, in the past, there were some odd delegations under it which were difficult to square with this policy.