Dear all,

The deadline for volunteers/nominations has passed and I am very pleased to announce that we received a single self-nomination: Moritz Müller applying for a second term as co-chair.

We will now collect expressions of support (or opposition) from the mailing-list, until Monday 20 May 2024, and will announce the results on Wednesday 22 May 2024 during the DNS working group session at the RIPE 88.

Find below Moritz' motivation to apply for a second term:


I'd like to volunteer for a second term as RIPE DNS-WG co-chair. In my last term, I've helped organizing (hopefully) interesting and diverse working-group meetings and I'd like to continue doing this for another 3 years.

For the next term, I'd like to go on organizing meetings that are relevant not only for DNS experts but also for the broader RIPE community with interest in the DNS.




The RIPE working group chair job description is included in ripe-692:

The DNS working group chair selection process is documented here: We have 3 co-chairs so the term is 3 years.

The current approach was announced on this mailing list on 2018-07-17:

As always, please feel free to reach out to any of the chairs directly, to us as a group at dns-wg-chairs AT, or discuss this or any other any relevant topic on this mailing list.