Dear Colleagues,


Thank you Yuri Kargapolov for your very good suggestion. I'm strongly agree.

As I explained in IoT Session of RIPE 75 Meeting, We have started these kind of activities with the universities in IRAN in IoT Academy from April 2015. You can find more information in the link bellow:

We are interested to collaborate to this plan. Let us know more about these activities. I believe that this kind of training and R&D will be very useful for RIPE NCC.

Also, let us know how we can collaborate with ISOC IoT SIG (Special Interest Group).

Best Regards,

Farzad Ebrahimi

On 10/27/2017 1:30 PM, wrote:
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2017 17:29:48 +0300
From: Yuriy Kargapolov <>
To: Marco Hogewoning <>,
Subject: Re: [iot-discussion] Outcome of the RIPE 75 Charter
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear Colleagues,

A few days ago was established ISOC IoT SIG (Special Interest Group)
We  consider  ourselves  as  a  part  of the common community which is
trying to aimed and decide IoT issues 
We  will  appreciated be involve in activity of IoT RIPE NCC community
and will shared our future results and values. 
One  of  direction  of  our  activity  is  work  and research a lot of
protocol family which using for IoT now 
Also,  we  will  plan  conducted  the  series  of  remote lectures for
students  in  different countries. From our hand these students can to
be  engaged  as  volunteers  in  RnD  works of RIPE NCC, naturally, in
frames of appropriate responsibilities and authorities   
The  subject  matters  may  concern security, NNA, routing and passing
traffic issues etc.

Looking forward to collaboration and cooperation of efforts ))
Best Regards,
Yuri Kargapolov

Farzad Ebrahimi
Chairman & Founder 
IoT Academy of Iran
Address: Unit 25, Floor 5, No.49, Abshar Complex, Daman Afshar St., Dafine St., Mirdamad Blvd, Tehran, Iran.
Postal Code: 1969765183
Tel: (+9821) 86081025
Fax: (+9821) 88872445
Cell:(+98912) 3707085