I agree, this may also be the time to consider whether the voting process can be done differently/better.



Von:        "Gordon Lennox" <gordon.lennox.13@gmail.com>
An:        "IoT WG RIPE" <iot-wg@ripe.net>
Kopie:        "Peter Koch" <pk@DENIC.DE>
Datum:        25-04-2019 09:15
Betreff:        Re: [iot-wg] extension of co-chair selection process
Gesendet von:        "iot-wg" <iot-wg-bounces@ripe.net>

A pragmatic way forward? I know it is what we tend to expect from Peter. But why not?


> On 25 Apr 2019, at 08:49, Peter Koch <pk@DENIC.DE> wrote:
> Jim, all,
> for one, "expressing support" per thread is voting, not consensus building.
> In that spirit, since the WG is perspectively looking for two new chairs anyway,
> and both canditates do seem qualified to me while at the same time offering different
> perspectives and background, I do not see a need for a continued beauty contest but
> would like to suggest instead to appoint both Sandoche and Peter. That would ease the
> onboarding process, as well.
> When it comes to the staggered terms, we can still have the two draw straws
> (well, an IoT WG should really let them draw batteries instead ...).
> Regards,
>  Peter

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