Hi everyone!

[Scroll down for the TL;DR]

I am proud that so many of you trusted me to do a good job as co-chair two years ago and I'm happy that I was given the chance to move things forward together with Sandoche.

I've also given the past two years some thought...

While we could see some ideas for the WG in action, such as discussing a possible role of ISPs in securing (private) IoT networks, learning more about your individual interests and motivation in a survey and covering the governance side with Marco Hogewoning's regular updates, my main vision "to enable the members of the working group to get into an active exchange" had to be played in hard mode during the pandemic. With having to rely on merely virtual communication and meetings (and enterprises being focussed on a somewhat reliable delivery of their core services rather than advancing IoT technologies), I'd put it that way: Not all our strengths could be put into play in those two years. ;)

Two years later, things are about to change again. With physical meetings in sight, I foresee much more interaction and motivation to engage in working groups such as ours, and while many enterprises face new challenges due to the war in Ukraine, some may actually pick up their IoT advances again...

However, my professional environment has changed slowly but considerably since mid-2021 and it is unlikely that, for the time being, I'll be able to muster the time that the WG deserves and that the regular meetings require. Hence, I've decided to not stand again this time and let someone new take up the role as Sandoche's co-chair for now. (Sandoche, it's not you; it's me. ;) 

So... I encourage everyone interested to consider giving it a shot! 

It was a pleasure to chair the IoT WG sessions at the virtual RIPE meetings, but, honestly, I'm REALLY looking forward to the next meeting in my hometown Berlin and hope to see many of you there! :)


--> TL;DR: I won't stand again this time. 

As for Michael's remarks: In my opinion, I don't think one should end things during a crisis (which a pandemic undoubtedly is!) and that also applies to this working group. It would be a shame to close it, i.e. give it up, NOW.

A few words regarding the selection process: After the call for volunteers yesterday, Mirjam suggested we might collect nominations off the list to avoid hesitation and (too) early support for the first volunteers. As that approach is backed by good experiences of other WGs, we could give it a shot. (Asking for opinions here... ;)

Kind regards