Dear colleagues,

as announced, we asked for volunteers to co-chair the RIPE IoT working group.

Until now, I got contacted by 2 volunteers who like to being elected for co-chair:

·       David Schweizer

·       Peter Steinhäuser

If anybody else like to volunteer as well, we keep the chance for application open until Thu 16th May (4 days before the RIPE starts). Please feel free to send a mail directly to this mailing list - with your name and some words as to why you think you ought to be a co-chair, what new ideas, or improvements you might bring, and so on.

Please feel free to give your support to the candidates within the mailing list.

The election itself will take place live during the IoT workgroup session using Mastrodon – giving equal chance to people being in the room as well as live online participants.

Kind regards,

Peter Wehrle

IoT co-chair