Dne 17.05.14 8:12, MarcoH napsal(a): Hi,
To the call to provide a true IPv6 Only service, I am not a big fan. The goal when we started this was not to prove that without IPv4, the Internet as we know it does not exist. The idea is to show that there is a middle way in which you can build a network that still gives a good user experience but with far less stress on IPv4 resources.
From my point of view, what is now necessary for wider v6 adoption is to show the people their existing v4-only services and provide them a motivation for an upgrade (which could be also, but, of course, not only, an inaccessibility of such services from networks declaring
The middle way is the current dual stack. I remember such test at RIPE meeting Berlin in 2008. It was the time to prove it is possible to use any 6->4 translation and live just with v6-only stack on a local network. Ok, we all know for a long time that it (almost) works and the situation is going better and better year by year. Now it's the time to speak about v6 on the whole Internet and here, sorry to say, but all the transition mechanisms except dual stack make the situation worse because such mechanisms limits the press from users to operators to implement native v6 on their access networks. I've seen a lot of stupid answers like "why do you need native v6? just use tunnels if you are insterested in" etc. themselves as v6-only). BR, Zbynek