* Jens Link (lists@quux.de) [191004 11:26]:
Enno Rey <erey@ernw.de> writes:
now back to my day job, full of #IPv6
So you are done with your work and Bjoern can get mail from $mailserver run by your new employer?
Nope. At least all their MXes are still legacy. But these changes need time. I haven't given up hope yet. On the bright side: One of the german universities has added IPv6 to their MXes a few weeks before. And since yesterday it really started working. Now listen and repeat: If you deploy IPv6 on your Mailservers: PLEASE check your setup from an IPv6-only site! If your Spamfilter depends on Legacy IP, it WILL break. If your DNS depends on Legacy IP, it WILL BREAK. If your outgoing MX depends on Legacy IP, it WILL break. Bjørn P.S: I know. This looks like preaching to the converted. But the sad truth is: To my current experience, even IPv6 professionals seem to fail on these simple checks. I will never understand, why. If you run Dualstack, also do a FULL check on both protocolls and don't rely on IPv4.