On Sat, 5 Oct 2019 at 19:07, Michel Py <michel@arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us> wrote:
>>> Nick Hilliard wrote :
>>> The cost of making 240/4 usable is to update every device on the
>>> planet, including legacy ipv4 stacks.

>> Michel Py wrote :
>> No it is not. It costs nothing to the Internet, it only costs to
>> those who chose to use it as private address space. More FUD.

> Gert Doering wrote :
> It's not "private address space" unless designated as such.

Wrong again. It's not public unless given to RIRs to allocate it.

I think what Gert means is that this space has not been designated by IETF/IANA for *any* purpose yet. One way of looking at it is to acknowledge it is neither private nor public space at this moment in time.

See the various columns hereĀ 

