Talks and email exchanges amongst those people who nominated themselves or who’s name was brought forward has left three remaining candidates for the open positions: 

- Jen Linkova
- Benedikt Stokebrand
- Dave Wilson 

We, as acting working group chairs, would suggest the following:
- The IPv6 Working Group, via this mailing list, to affirm the appointment of Jen, Dave and Benedikt as the new chairs of the IPv6 Working Group
- Have the new chairs, together with the working group, draft the selection process with the aim of reaching consensus and publishing this document prior to RIPE 70 which will be in Amsterdam in May 2015.
- Take the 70th RIPE meeting as an opportunity to execute the new process for the first time and have the working group re-affirm the new chairs under the new procedure.

I support too.


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Marco Hogewoning <marcoh@marcoh.net> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

As announced during the meeting in Warsaw, after David’s decision to step down, Shane and I decided to also make place for some fresh new people. Over the past months we have been working with the candidates, who volunteered during the session and on this mailing list, on how to exactly make this change happen. And how to do that in as light weight a way as possible, while still have it based on the principles of transparency and rough consensus.

As you may already have seen on other lists, there is an open action point to all working group chairs to, together with the working group, document the procedure by which chairs are selected, replaced and on a regular basis re-affirmed by the working group.

As we already decided to step down, Shane and I feel slightly uncomfortable in our final act being to document how to replace ourselves. We would rather have the newly selected group of volunteers to take the lead in this process. Discussing this with Hans Petter, the RIPE Chair, he agreed to this approach.

Talks and email exchanges amongst those people who nominated themselves or who’s name was brought forward has left three remaining candidates for the open positions:

- Jen Linkova
- Benedikt Stokebrand
- Dave Wilson

We, as acting working group chairs, would suggest the following:

- The IPv6 Working Group, via this mailing list, to affirm the appointment of Jen, Dave and Benedikt as the new chairs of the IPv6 Working Group
- Have the new chairs, together with the working group, draft the selection process with the aim of reaching consensus and publishing this document prior to RIPE 70 which will be in Amsterdam in May 2015.
- Take the 70th RIPE meeting as an opportunity to execute the new process for the first time and have the working group re-affirm the new chairs under the new procedure.

Shane and I, together with the new people, will continue to work on creating an inspiring agenda for the upcoming meeting in London and to prepare the new chairs for the upcoming change and of course, after the hand over, will be available for advice and assistance to ensure continuity of this working group in the transitioning phase.

We would like to invite you all to provide us with your feedback on this proposed plan and to reach consensus on this matter,


Marco Hogewoning
Shane Kerr

co-chairs of the RIPE IPv6 Working Group