Hi, On Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 04:21:12PM +0200, Bjoern Buerger wrote:
* Jens Link (lists@quux.de) [191004 11:26]:
Enno Rey <erey@ernw.de> writes:
now back to my day job, full of #IPv6
So you are done with your work and Bjoern can get mail from $mailserver run by your new employer?
Nope. At least all their MXes are still legacy. But these changes need time. I haven't given up hope yet.
so I'll give you guys the generic answer to that one: it's being worked on & it will be there at some point, but I won't be able to tell you about our progress in the interim. I guess the main part here, and for the present discussion, is the "being worked on, will eventually be done" element. On a personal note let me state that Bjoern's mail capabilities are rly present in my scheme of things (they've not yet started to creep into my dreams, but let's see...). You won't be surprised though that not everybody in my daily meetings shares the perspective that they're a top priority ;-). Still rest assured that many smart people over here work hard on things aligned with the IPv6 WG's objectives. #itstimeforIPv6 Also, in all seriousness, feel free to let me know on any channel incl. f2f in Rotterdam what you think we/I should prioritize on, or where things don't work, IPv6-wise. Chris thankfully continues to organize the IPv6 Practitioners' Dinner so that might be an occasion, too. everybody have a great weekend Enno -- Enno Rey Twitter:@Enno_Insinuator