Hi Daniel, Daniel Roesen wrote:
On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 11:23:47PM +0200, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
having missed the last RIPE meeting I'm unfortunately somewhat out of date regarding this, but could someone please enlighten me about the current plans for deployment of RPSLng in the regular RIPE database?
Good question...
I am using rpslng.ripe.net, but unfortunately almost noone else does.
So how do they produce the bgp policy configuration ? What do big ISP do with IPv6 policy configuration ?
Probably because people don't have too much time to devote to playing around. :-Z
Partly true. I have devoted some time to integrate our current RPSL to RPSLng. So check in for AS5408. The next task to do is to assure that RtConfig produces the desired result.
I would love to see a production version of the RPSLng server...
Yup that is the next thing I would like to have too. Best regards, Dimitrios
Best regards, Daniel
-- -- Dimitrios K. Kalogeras Electrical Engineer Ph.D. Network Manager NTUA/GR-Net Network Management Center _____________________________________ icq: 11887484 voice: +30-210-772 1863 fax: +30-210-772 1866 e-mail: D.Kalogeras@noc.ntua.gr pub 1024D/F2A69A72 2002-12-13 Dimitrios Kalogeras <D.Kalogeras@noc.ntua.gr> Key fingerprint = 64C5 646D 8D33 A3FF 14D1 66C6 5127 54CC F2A6 9A72