Hello All,

This is the draft agenda for the Measurement, Analysis and Tools
Working Group session at RIPE73:

A. Introduction: Welcome, Scribe, Jabber, Agenda - 5m

B. Design and Analysis of Communication Systems - Luuk Hendriks - 15 m

C. Wireless Performance Measurement and Verification Using the end-user mobile device feedback - Anna Wilson - 20 min

D. RIPE ATLAS update - Robert Kisteleki - 15 m

E. Add system tag for the probes behind "nanny filter" - Remco van Mook - 5 min 

F. Country Topology map Using Atlas - Sebastian Castro - 15 min

G. Speed checker comparison with Atlas - Janusz Jezowicz - 15 min


Timings are approximate:-)
The session will take place at 15:00 local time on Wednesday 26th October.

See you in Madrid!

Nina and CK
MAT WG Chairs