Dear RIPE NCC members, 

The RIPE NCC Annual Report 2023 and RIPE NCC Financial Report 2023 have now been published.

Both of these reports are supporting documents for the RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2024 and can be found at: 

The RIPE NCC Annual Report 2023 documents the activities of the RIPE NCC throughout last year. The RIPE NCC Financial Report 2023 details the financial activities of the RIPE NCC during the same period.

We ask members to read these documents and provide feedback on the Members Discuss mailing list or during the GM itself.  For more information about the GM, including the draft agenda with resolutions, visit:

Onsite and online participation at the GM is available to all members, including webcast, live chat and electronic voting. Members can register for the GM quickly and easily via the LIR Portal:

Kind regards,

Hans Petter Holen
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer