Dear colleagues,

When we announced the launch of RIPE NCC Certified Professionals at RIPE 79 in Rotterdam, we promised that all members would receive vouchers to take the exams and have the opportunity to get certified.

In keeping with that promise, we are emailing three vouchers per LIR to all registered contacts. You should expect to receive your vouchers within the coming two weeks. You can read more about how to use your vouchers and schedule an exam at:

Through RIPE NCC Certified Professionals, we aim to validate your skills and expertise. If you pass the exam, your achievements can be shared through a verifiable digital badge.

We have relied on the support and active participation of the community throughout the development process and we would like to thank everyone who filled in our surveys and answered our questions, contributed to question writing, and took part in the pilot testing. We hope to continue to build this programme together with you.

Exams can now be scheduled for our very first badge - RIPE Database Associate! Work is ongoing (despite the quarantine) for our next badge, IPv6 Fundamentals – Analyst, and we hope to launch it around this July.

We are keen to keep improving our exam content and processes. Please do write to us with your feedback.

Stay safe!
Best regards,

Sandra Brás
Learning and Development Assistant Manager