At 13:27 10/05/2013 +0100, Niall O'Reilly wrote:
2. The RIPE NCC often receives requests from Legacy Resource Holders wanting their resources to be considered as space allocated by the RIPE NCC. If this proposal is accepted, the RIPE NCC will have to decline these requests.
This is information of which I was not previously aware. I appreciate being made aware of this and intend to ensure that it is taken into account during the proposal's next revision cycle.
To what benefit would one receive to have the resource considered as space allocated by RIPE NCC? Perhaps the RIPE NCC can provide some examples so we can understand this.
8. The provision of some RIPE NCC services is dependent on whether the resources are PA or PI. The RIPE NCC will require clear guidelines on the terms under which Legacy Internet Resources would be offered these services.
Only Registration Services are within scope for this proposal.
Legacy resources are neither PA nor PI, but LEGACY, and need to be supported by Registration Services.
+1. -Hank