On 28 okt 2014, at 13:51, Roger Jørgensen <rogerj@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Bijal Sanghani <bijal@euro-ix.net> wrote: <snip>
During the meeting, the working group itself will by consensus establish the new or re-elected working group Chair. If for what ever reason consensus can not be reached or there are no new volunteers the existing Chair will continue their working group duties. <snip>
Again, as pointed out elsewhere, what about remote participants and others following the mailing list?
Not to mention some of the other downside of only doing it at a meeting like peer-pressure, we could just as well introduce voting there?:-)
Following the feedback on the first proposal, Bijal and I have taken the process proposed in the DB WG and adopted it slightly. We therefor would like to have the following proposal updated and we will present this tomorrow. Under this the NCC-Service WG would select chairs according to the following principles o WG Chair term is two years o One chair will stand down every year o Maximum number of chairs is 3 o Call for interested parties is made on WG mailing list at yearly intervals o Interested parties have 2 weeks to make their interest known on the mailing list o NCC Services chair not up for election, issues a call for discussion. WG members express approval or otherwise of the presented candidates o After two weeks the chair(s) declare consensus as they would do for a policy proposal o Appeal possible as per normal process Let's discuss this tomorrow and also here on the list. Looking forward to the discussion! Regards, Kurtis & Bijal