In article <20031006121932.A4658@iprg.nokia.com>, David Kessens <david@iprg.nokia.com> wrote:
[...] I think myself that using the database is probably the right way to do it but I am not really sure either. I do think that a bit more discussion on this list will help to determine that this is really the case.
Doing a reverse delegation is a relatively easy transaction and the proposal that is currently on the table adds a tremendous amount of extra complexity to the database and the request process. I am not convinced that there are no alternate ways to make the life of the users easier (that can or cannot include the database).
Doing the reverse delegation over a secure webinterface where one only has to choose for which allocation the reverse delegation has to be changed and entering a couple of servers comes to mind.
I am afraid, despite my fondness for the database, that it will only get into the way of people doing their job. I have seen too many companies deciding that they wanted to have a uniform way of dealing with their company systems and they end up with this beautiful all encompassing SAP (or whatever other vendors) system and people have to become an expert in the system before being able to do relatively easy transactions. [...]
I think David has a valid point here: We should discuss the differnent possible interfaces to the RIPE NCC services. IMHO we have to camps: 1) the webinterface folks 2) the mailinterface folks I think that RIPE NCC should support both camps. The occasional user of the services will certainly welcome a simple webinterface. The LIR Portal (https://lirportal.ripe.net/) could be extended for this camp. Reverse delegations are certainly an example of only occasionally needed services. The regular user won't be happy with a webinterface, since automation isn't as easy as with the mailinterface. An example for a regular task is the "Provider Aggregatable (PA) Assignment Request Form". While the LIR Portal already reflects the current ripe-283, I don't see a new autohm in ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/tools/ Supporting two different interfaces to the same service doesn't come for free, but I think it's worth the trouble (and money). Regards, Joerg