Hi, I am fully supporting any way to help research/investigations. Also, the idea of replacing personal data with at least unique keys (as suggested by Denis) which allow tracking sounds good to me. Cheers, Cedric. -- Cedric PERNET, Senior Threat Researcher, Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro Ph: +33 (0)6 48 26 45 82 (also on Signal) Twitter/Skype/Keybase : cedricpernet E-Mail : cedric_pernet@trendmicro.com -----Message d'origine----- De : ncc-services-wg <ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net> De la part de Piotr Strzyzewski via ncc-services-wg Envoyé : mercredi 18 décembre 2019 20:33 À : ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Objet : Re: [ncc-services-wg] Finding previous user of IP addresses This message was sent from outside of Trend Micro. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the source of this email and know the content is safe. On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 03:44:40PM +0100, Gert Doering wrote:
On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 10:22:21AM +0000, Niall O'Reilly wrote:
On 18 Dec 2019, at 9:51, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
The not-so-good news: current policy is to not make it available because of privacy concerns. Unless there is pressure from the community that is not likely to change soon. I am no lawyer but I expect that this policy could change at least for data that is not ???personal data???, which would be good enough for what you seek. But I guess that more than two people have to ask for it. A reasonably concise request from this WG would go a long way.
I'm asking for this, so as to build the number towards "more than two". I hope that the WG will indeed make such a request.
I believe that the data should be open enough to allow the question, "what is the matter with this address block?" (my paraphrase) to be answered, while still protecting personal data.
Count my support too. -- Piotr Strzyżewski TREND MICRO EMAIL NOTICE The information contained in this email and any attachments is confidential and may be subject to copyright or other intellectual property protection. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to use or disclose this information, and we request that you notify us by reply mail or telephone and delete the original message from your mail system. For details about what personal information we collect and why, please see our Privacy Notice on our website at: [ https://www.trendmicro.com/privacy]