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La vineri, iunie 30, 2023, 5:29 p.m., Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl> a scris:


> On 29 Jun 2023, at 17:25, Rob Evans <rhe@nosc.ja.net> wrote:
> All,
> As part of the policy development process, it is the role of the chairs to summarise the discussion at the end of the discussion phase.
> As we are now at that point, and we are moving towards the review phase when the documents are ready, here is a brief summary.
>    • 8th March 2023: The RIPE Policy Development Officer announces the policy to the ncc-services-wg and policy-announce lists, with a deadline of the 6th April for discussion.
>    • 21st March 2023: One of the co-chairs of the WG reminds the list we are half-way through the discussion phase and invites comments.
>    • 6th April 2023: Original discussion phase closes with no comments received.
>    • 14th April 2023: Request to the list not to require notarised documents for the transfer lock.
>    • 26th April 2023: One of the proposal authors emails the discussion list to ask for discussion.  Over the next couple of days there are a few expressions of support, but also several queries as to whether this should be handled in the PDP.
>    • 3rd May 2023: WG co-chair asked the RIPE NCC’s legal counsel about the requirement for a policy.
>    • 4th May 2023: Athina replied with an explanation.  Over the next week or so there were a couple of messages discussing Athina’s response, pointing out a clash with RIPE-682, and further discussing whether the proposal should be in the PDP.
>    • 15th May 2023: Discussion phase extended to 2nd June.
>    • 24th May to 2nd June 2023: About a dozen more expressions of support.  Some further discussion about the means by which the request should be properly authenticated, whether a single director is sufficient via the LIR portal or notarised papers would be required.
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
> Rob, Bijal & Kurtis.
> --
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