RIPE is starting... and below is our agenda.

And as a result from the WG Chair elections, we got a new, additional WG Co-Chair:
Marcos Sanz. His term starts at the end of this RIPE meeting and he will introduce
himself at the end of the session - and (if time permits it) to some questions

See you soon at another (virtual) RIPE meeting
Open Source WG Chairs


Agenda RIPE 83 Open Source WG Session
Thursday, November 25, 14:30 - 15:30

A. Administrative Matters
(Working Group Chairs)

finalize agenda
approval of minutes from previous WG meeting(s)
review of action list
Results of WG Chair Re-Election

B. Virtual IPv6 Security Lab Environment
(Ondřej Caletka, RIPE NCC)

Recently, RIPE NCC launched a new free e-learning course on IPv6
security in the RIPE NCC Academy. With this course, we also offer a
way to practice some attacks and protection against them on your own
computer. I will present this virtual lab environment and describe
the open source components it is based on.

C. Through the Looking-Glass - 5 Years of BGP-Adventures
(Annika Hannig, DE-CIX)

Alice is a BGP Looking Glass with support for BIRD, GoBGP and
since recently OpenBGPD. It is widely adopted by IXPs across
the globe. After a short retrospective look at the history of
Alice, having its origin at the RIPE73 hackathon in Madrid,
we'll have a look at the architecture, features and all the
new things that were implemented during the last two years. We
will have a look at the challenges of maintaining an Open
Source project over now more than five years in an ever
changing ecosystem. Finally we dare looking into the future of
Alice and what to expect in the next years.  

D. Introduction of Marcos Sanz as additional WG Chair
(Marcos Sanz, DE-CIX & Working Group Chairs)

Marcos Sanz joins us as an additional WG Co-Chair. His term will
start with the end of this RIPE meeting.