Adding someone to a new list just  because someone else is thinking to kill another list, bad practice.


Unsubscribe here and join any other list that you like, that’s the way it can be.



From: Shadi Shahlapour <>
Sent: Wednesday, 12 June 2019 1:13 PM
To: Arash Naderpour <>
Cc: Hisham Ibrahim <>;
Subject: Re: [Persian-lir] Retiring the Persian-LIR list after successfully concluding its role


Yes, and not necessarily needed to be one by one. Probably there should be a way to do all at once.

Its doable, isnt it?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2019, at 8:12 PM, Arash Naderpour <> wrote:

You mean adding every registered email in this list to the new/local IRNOG?



From: shadi shahlapour <>
Sent: Wednesday, 12 June 2019 11:40 AM
To: Hisham Ibrahim <>
Cc: Arash Naderpour <>;
Subject: Re: [Persian-lir] Retiring the Persian-LIR list after successfully concluding its role


Dear all,


I exactly remember all the points that Hisham mentioned. Based on what we discussed during the lunch meeting in Tehran, this mailing list supposed to be a temporary and just for supporting and helping us to build our own community.

With all the hard works, now we have IRNOG and what if we use the domain for moving the registered email addresses to the new/local one.

Please advise.




Shadi Shahlapour



On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 2:19 PM Hisham Ibrahim <> wrote:

Salam Arash and Payam,


Thank you for your feedback on this, and allow me to try to address some of your points.


This mailing list was set up as one of the action items that came out of the member lunch in Tehran back in 2015.


During that meeting there was a lot of discussion about the community self organising itself to do more translation into Farsi as well as building a national platform (NOG).


So I suggested the list as a means to continue the discussion beyond the member lunch.


You can see this in one of the very first threads on the archives.


The list has always been open to anyone interested to subscribe or even unsubscribe at their will.


We agreed during the member lunch not to automatically enrolled anyone to the list, and leave it to the interested individuals to contribute as they saw fit.


It was also agreed that this would be a “temporary” list till the community builds up the NOG and develops the other communication channels.


This was also reflected in blog post by Milad Afshari & Shahin Gharghi about the creation of IRNOG.


Before sending out the email to retire the list I looked up the archives and found that the last discussion thread dated back to over a year ago (April 2018).


The number of subscribers that leave keep on increasing as they have found the other channels more informative (currently the list has roughly 100 subscribers)


I would hate for the list to just be there in name with zero added value to the community that it was set up to serve. 


I personally feel the list has delivered on the goals that it was set up to do and should the need ever present itself we can always relaunch it.


My two cents



On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 11:04 PM Payam Poursaied <> wrote:

Hi Hisham

I wonder to know whether all Persian LIRs enrolled automatically to the list at the beginning or not



There was not automatic enrolment to this list.

All members that have joined decided to join 


According to the mailing list archives the last discussion thread on the list dates back to April 2018.




The Mailing list was set up after the member lunch we had in Tehran back in 2015.

During that member lunch many topics were discussed such as:

- Crowd sourcing translating useful technical documents into Farsi

- Getting more qualified technical trainers that can train on IPv6

- Building a National NOG

- Host a MENOG event in Iran 





On 10 Jun 2019, at 04:26, Arash Naderpour <> wrote:




I agree with Payam,


Back to 2015, this list was not created to support building and development of technical community in Iran, they were already established years ago.

But mostly was created to let the Iranian NCC members have an easy channel of communication.


I still like to have this channel open, not sure how removing the list can benefit the members. 




Arash Naderpour



On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 11:04 PM Payam Poursaied <> wrote:

Hi Hisham

I wonder to know whether all Persian LIRs enrolled automatically to the list at the beginning or not.

There are a couple of Telegram channels which somehow Iranian techies communicate. But there are some shortcomings:

-    Telegram is filtered (!), so it is not such a communication channel checks by all members frequently

-    Whatsapp discloses phone numbers in the groups, that why it didn’t go well

-    Some of the major players do not show up in the telegram channels at all, particularly government bodies and financial institutes who are LIR.



So if this list includes all of them, it could be an excellent potential to move part of technical discussions/follow-ups here and make it active.


Best Regards



From: Persian-lir <> On Behalf Of Hisham Ibrahim
Sent: June 4, 2019 4:49 PM
Subject: [Persian-lir] Retiring the Persian-LIR list after successfully concluding its role


Dear colleagues and friends,

The Persian-LIR mailing list was established back in 2015 in an effort
to try to support the building and development of the local technical
community in Iran.


As the discussions seem to have naturally moved to these channels on
different messaging platforms, I think it is time to retire this list
after successfully concluding its role.

Unless there are any major objections to doing so by the end of the
month, this mailing list will be deactivated by the beginning of July.

Persian-lir mailing list


Persian-lir mailing list



Shadi Shahlapour