
My probe has just started to show in My probes page, my probe's mac address is F8:1A:67:4D:74:82

Best regards
       Levon Avagyan

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Alex Saroyan <alexsaroyan@gmail.com> wrote:
If you need anything to be tested or redo from our side feel free to ask, we are looking forward to help during the troubleshooting.

For me it is more important the bug to be fixed then to solve the particular problem.
Also please take into consideration that Alastair Strachan is also working on the case #1087274


On 05/23/2013 04:42 PM, Robert Kisteleki wrote:
On 2013.05.23. 14:15, Levon Avagyan wrote:
Hi Robert,

The thing is that i've already registered that probe on my page and received
confirmation email from the system.

Providing the email I've received below:

It's possible that we have a bug in the procedure somewhere, though
previously we haven't seen evidence of it. We'll check what's going on in
these cases and get back to you.
