Thanks Robert,

With that opportunity just some feedback on the API: 
it's generally very convenient, my only issue is that for repeated measurements (not one-off) it's not easy to get the queries that have been executed in a certain time frame. You have to parse the results from the start of the measurement and get those executed between the desired time frame by checking its result separately, which is slow (at least I haven't found a better way!)

So having some sort of metadata dumps makes it faster to go through the queries that have been executed in a certain period. I guess another alternative is to download the traces dumps but here the bottleneck is the download time even for a period of 1 day.


From: Robert Kisteleki <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 7:28 AM
To: Vasileios Giotsas
Subject: Re: [atlas] Meta-information dumps for built-in measurements?

On 2018-09-04 03:16, Vasileios Giotsas wrote:
> Is there any repository
> like that contains
> meta-information about built-in RIPE Atlas measurements (the above
> repository contains meta-information only for public measurements)?
> I couldn't find anything similar in the new FTP repository
> at
> I guess using the API is an alternative but it would be more convenient
> to have such dumps
> Thanks,
> Vasileios

Hello, is a pretty
good approximation of what you're after. Built-ins change very rarely,
so a one-time query will give you virtually everything about built-ins.

Note that the above mentioned full dump of measurement metadata via FTP
is not sustainable (in its current form it's growing endlessly) so we'll
highly likely to change this in the near future.
