Hello, The probe pages (list, details) as well as the UDMs are indeed a bit convoluted; as you also note they are not really suited for saving/printing/etc. We're close to releasing a reworked version of the probe pages with a much simplified layout. This will help a lot with saving/printing too. Regards, Robert On 2014.01.09. 19:46, Wilfried Woeber wrote:
Apologies, if this has been discussed before or should be obvious from some documentation...
So here we go: In the "good old days" (no I prefer the current state :-) ) it was asy to get hold of the extended graphs by simply clicking onto the graph in the summary page and then do "save" or "save as".
Since the (better, interactive,...) graphs are generated locally, I failed to come up with a method to "get hold" of the graph, for storing locally, printing, whatever.
I just today tried to hit "print" in the browser, but the page seems to be inadequately structured/formatted for printing. The result is gaebage all over.
Does anyone have a pointer or suggestion for me, sort of "better" than doing a screen shot and then work with the pixels?
TIA, Wilfried