
My probe 24434 had an issue without me being aware because there was no notification. But even if there was, it was hard to detect. The only reason I found out was because I looked at a long running measurement that did not return data. On the other side, the built in measurements seemed fine. So first though was that something prevented the probe to perform DNS tests to the network's resolvers. I've attached a laptop to the connection but all worked fine. So rebooted the probe and found that the USB storage went to read-only. But why does it only detect this after a reboot?

This probably means that the probe probably only checks at startup what the status is of the USB key.

The other thing that is odd is that the probe kept earning credits. Here is a graph with the proof that it did stop taking UDMs early august.

My request: Please improve the probe's detection of issues. I do not mind replacing a USB dongle at all but I do find it annoying that the probes can be in this state where it is not down but also not taking any UDMs.



Proud owner of 3 probes.