I received some questions about the exact location of TraceMON in Atlas.

The tool is embedded by default on the detail page of each of the traceroute measurements in RIPE Atlas. 
Any RIPE Atlas user can access it by selecting a traceroute measurement in the measurements listing page [1] and clicking on the TraceMON tab.

If you instead want just a quick demo: https://massimo.ripe.net/tracemon/widget/
I will try to collect some interesting cases on the link above.


[1] https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/?search=&status=&af=&kind=2%2C4&age=#!tab-public

On 10 Apr 2017, at 14:38, Mirjam Kuehne <mir@ripe.net> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

TraceMON is a client-side tool for visualising network topology
generated by traceroutes reaching one or more targets in a network. It
provides a one-click access to a set of information useful during day to
day operations. Please find more details on RIPE Labs:


Kind regards,
Mirjam Kuhne