Same problem here.
My probe 22583 is shown as disconnected since 2018-04-20 03:51:55 UTC.
Have replaced the USB stick to see if that was the problem but no change.

The LEDs show it’s connected.
The built-in measurements also show normal graphs.
So it looks like just the status is incorrect.


On 21 Apr 2018, at 18:45, Novak Jirka <jirka.novak@upcmail.cz> wrote:

Hi all,
I have had the same problem since today's morning.

Probably some problem on Atlas infrastructure.


-------- Původní zpráva --------
My probe #1118 is showing "offline" for over 11hr now, but it is delivering measurement results. However, I have not tried all those things you have tried.

Daniel AJ

On April 21, 2018 7:59:27 AM PDT, Andre Heinrichs <compyblog@gmail.com> wrote:

my probe #29384 is reported as offline since the last network
reconnect last night. According to the probe LEDs all looks okay
(nothing is blinking, in the order of the FAQ they are On, off, on,
on, on). But the website reports the probe as offline. Just the data
plot ("Connection & Traffic") shows that the probe sends something
out. I've already tried several reboots, did the USB reinitialization
(twice, I tried a different USB storage as well) and I've also
rebooted my FritzBox. All to no success. BTW: I've not been seeing SOS
requests since I last reinitialized the USB in January when the probe
was reported as offline as well. At least the USB-less boot showed up

Is anyone else seeing this kind of problem? Is it a known problem
somewhere? Or is there something else I could still try?

Sent from mobile phone. Please excuse my brevity.