Dear Shahin, On 26-nov.-14 15:56, Shahin Gharghi wrote:
Dear RIPE Atlas team
I want to ask why don't you make software probes?
we regularly get these questions, and we have documented the reply here: https://atlas.ripe.net/about/faq/#why-did-you-choose-a-hardware-solution-ins... There are other projects that do measurements using virtual machines or SW applications, that might be more suitable for your needs, for example NLNOG RING: https://ring.nlnog.net/ We cooperate with them on several levels, but out goals are slightly different. For example, using RIPE Atlas you can target RING nodes: https://atlas.ripe.net/targets/ringnodes/map/
RIPE NCC have to spend a lot of money on RIPE Atlas. They can easily make RIPE Atlas VMWare image or an RPM,deb package and even windows service. So people can install them on their servers.
The other way to save probes is making probes multi-home.
For example I have 4 probes in one place to monitor 4 different IP prefixes and paths. I know because of the hardware limits we can't use sub-interfaces but we can set 4 IP addresses manually and add 4 any route by the source, then we can save 3 other probes.
Now that's an interesting idea, and I can say that we'll take it into consideration -- but you have already mentioned HW limits yourself. Please take a look at our roadmap, where we document major feature requests. SW probe is also there, as "requested", along with the link to the explanation why we are not going to go for that solution now: http://roadmap.ripe.net/ripe-atlas/ Regards, Vesna Manojlovic Community Builder for Measurements Tools