Hi Stephen,

for me, the tooltip always shows: whatevercountry 0 probes (0,00%)
Tried with Firefox and Chrome.


On 15.11.23 14:33, Stephen Suess wrote:
Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the feedback. When you hover on a country you see a tooltip that displays (in addition to the number of probes) the percent of the total of probes. The legend gives you an idea (by color) of how many probes fall into each color range. Hope this clarifies.

Kind regards,

On 15 Nov 2023, at 13:40, Thomas Schäfer <tschaefer@t-online.de> wrote:

Hi Stephen,

it looks nice. But what means "Show Percent Coverage Layer"?
Because of "Percent" I would expect a scale from 1 to 100. But you have different ranges of Probes (per Square Meter?) - at the Moment the range of 0-200 never exceeds.


Am 15.11.23 um 12:32 schrieb Stephen Suess:
Hi Atlas Friends,
As part of our continuing improvements to the Atlas UI, we have just pushed a major reworking of the coverage and statistics page. Among the improvements:
- Cleaner, simpler interface
- Vastly improved loading time
- Single map integrates layer toggles for connected, disconnected and percent coverage
- Top ASNs / Prefixes / Countries section are now clickable pie charts allowing you to see items in relation to each other or the entirety
- Reworked line charts for users, probes, anchors
- As with other Atlas improvements, this is now completely client side (except for the API getting data)
You can find the new page at https://atlas.ripe.net/coverage/ <https://atlas.ripe.net/coverage/>
Hope you enjoy, please let us know what you think.

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