On Wed, 22 Nov 2023 at 17:43 Robert Kisteleki <robert@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear all,

We've just published a proposal about recognising the role of
"aggregators" in RIPE Atlas:

We would be very happy to see discussions about this here on the mailing
list, on the RIPE NCC Forum, or live at RIPE87.

Robert Kisteleki

ripe-atlas mailing list

Looks good!
The only things I can think of that could be discussed are:

1. Separating own use from service use through different accounts - here I'd rather see something like a service account tied to an existing account instead, only usable through the API, with credits taken from the owner account. Makes it so you don't need to juggle credit transfers, especially if you end up owning multiple aggregators.
2. Client identification is a touchy subject under GDPR, especially for hobbyist projects like the one I'm making. Best I could offer is a unique ID that *may* be stable, but most likely rotates regularly.
3. Regarding "official sponsors", any policy that will require me to spend money will kill this project. I already support Atlas with a probe :)
