Hi Daniel!


In my case I don't even look at probe description. I create my measurements mostly via REST API so I use 'asn_v4' and 'asn_v6' to get probes from network(s) that I need. For probes which have set 'asn_v6' I can also verify system tag 'system-ipv6-works' to see if it really works. Web interface also allow you to get probes from given 'asn_v4' and 'asn_v6' and to include only probes with specific system tag. Good thing about these values is that they are generated and updated automatically by RIPE Atlas infrastructure.


AFAIK probe description field is only for probe owner to make it easier for him/her to manage probes. Notice that a lot of probes have generic format "Probe #12345" as many people have only one probe so there is no need to change it.





From: Daniel AJ Sokolov <listclient@sokolov.eu.org>
Date: Sunday 2018-06-03 at 11:37
To: "ripe-atlas@ripe.net" <ripe-atlas@ripe.net>
Subject: [atlas] Probe name rules




I would like to suggest a naming convention for probes that excludes

names referring to features or networks which are not present/supported.


For example, I see a probe that contains in its name a large network,

although the probe is actually connected to competitor networks. (I

assume the probe's host changed their ISP and forgot to update the

probe's name.)


Such naming is misleading for Atlas users, but also opens a can of worms

in relation to trade mark law.


Similarly, a prove with "IPv6" in its name that doesn't support IPv6

could be confusing.



Daniel AJ