Does really no one have any idea or thought concerning this problem?

Anything would be appreciated!


From: Meikel Kokowski
Sent: Tuesday, 24 May 2022 02:48
Subject: [atlas] Ongoing problem with DoT measurements


Dear RIPE Mailing List,


in the context of my final thesis I am conducting research related to DNS (Do53 and DoT) using RIPE Atlas probes. In preparation for the main measurement I issued, to around 4800 probes, DNS queries


1) over TLS [measurement ID: 41196896] and

2) over Do53 (standard) [measurement ID: 41196980]


While Do53 works perfectly, DoT seems not to yield any results at all. In the RIPE Atlas forum I found a similar question ( According to that thread, a configuration error on the probes causes the problem. That post is 2 months ago and the problem seems to subsist. Could you provide an update to the current situation to this problem and a possible date for a fix?


Thank you!


