On 2016/04/11 14:39 , Gert Doering wrote:
While that is an improvement, actually having diagnostic info in the *mails* sent (especially about "we're having USB troubles, so better bring a fresh USB stick with you before you drive out to the probe site!") would be even better.
The reason why I'm so insistant about this: I have two probes sitting in remote locations and both needed *multiple* visits because the flash was broken, the system *knew* about it ("ROUSB"), and didn't tell me (and yes, because I'm old and stupid and forgot to check the well-hidden SOS message list when the second probe broke...) - would have saved me about three visits, which accumulate to about half a day human life time. Far too valuable to waste on lack of proper diagnostics.
Okay. I just created a ticket for this. No idea when someone gets around to actually doing it though.