+1 for 'your probe came back on-line'





From: Edward Lewis <edlewisjr@cox.net>
Date: Thursday 2020-12-10 at 22:32
To: "ripe-atlas@ripe.net" <ripe-atlas@ripe.net>
Cc: Ed Lewis <edlewisjr@cox.net>
Subject: [atlas] Probe operator notifications


(Seeing the thread about DNS intercepted probes reminded me to send this:)


For 5 or so years running I have a probe operating in my garage (behind my home’s NAT and using the ISP’s NXDOMAIN rewriting, non-DNSSEC handling recursive server) a run-of-the-mill home cable set up.


When I got my November report, it said I’d been down the last half of November.  That was news to me.  I then down'd/up’d it and it reconnected and seems to be on-line again.


I do get the “your probe went off-line” notices.  I would like “your probe came back on-line” notices as well.  If we had those, I may have noticed it stayed down after the last message I saw.

