On Sep 7, 2013, at 12:39 PM, Joe Provo <jzp-ripe@rsuc.gweep.net> wrote:
There was traffic seeming to support the idea of a properly opted-in method (as recently as 30 July) but there hadn't been specifics regarding the implementation nor commitment that it would get to such a one. :-)
My personal opinion is that I have no issue with _RIPE_ conducting a spoofing test using my probes, but I have an objection to letting a random person conduct a spoofing test. With the former I have confidence it won't be used for evil in any way, with the latter I can see cases where my values and the probe creators values don't completely overlap. I would like to see RIPE try and spoof a RIPE IP from all the probes, and report on the results, at least once. -- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/