On 23/04/2021 09:11, Robert Kisteleki wrote:
This gives you the list of probes that have a last-mile median RTT (endpoint_type=LM&median__gte=495) higher than 495ms: https://ihr.iijlab.net/ihr/api/network_delay/?timebin=2021-04-21T00%3A15&endpoint_type=LM&median__gte=495
I suspect Stephen will soon offer a self-service alternative using BigQuery any minute now :-)
Sure, why not. Maybe something like this: https://gist.github.com/sdstrowes/cb67ca755c50bbb2f23ce384750f2048 - take all yesterday's traceroutes - pick out only hops <= 2 that weren't errors or timeouts - calculate quantiles for those per probe/af/hop, and also count how many traceroutes ran - retain only those probe/af/hop rows with a median RTT >= 495 and `n` traceroutes > 100 Cheers, S.