Thanks for reply Leo

Will look forward towards communication from your end. In case you need further data, let me know.


(Sent from my mobile device)

Anurag Bhatia

On Apr 25, 2012 8:28 PM, "Leo Bicknell" <> wrote:

I've removed, it's a ticketing system that shouldn't be on the rest of this thread.

ISC has experienced a number of routing challenges at our Chennai node over the past year resulting in problems such as this one.  We've been working with APNIC (the node Sponsor) and NIXI (the node host) to get these resolved.  We've found the Indian market to be rather unique in the way various large ISP's chose to announce (or not announce, as the case may be) their routes at various exchanges.  In this particular case it appears that the traffic is making it to our Chennai node, but not making it back.

I will work with Anurag directly in the ticket to get this issue resolved.  If anyone else is seeing issues in India please mail to open a ticket.  The more reports we have of problems the more attention we can get this issue with the various parties involved.

On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:38 AM, Anurag Bhatia wrote:


There has been some routing glitch in the F root server instance running in Chennai, India by niXi AS 24049.

Govt. owned BSNL AS9829 routers are not hearing any BGP announcements and thus F root does not works at all on BSNL. 

anurag@laptop ~ $ traceroute -A
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 ( [AS8151/AS28513]  1.552 ms  2.040 ms *
 2 ( [AS9829]  26.010 ms  28.433 ms  31.136 ms
 3 ( [AS9829]  34.497 ms  35.968 ms  38.372 ms
 4 ( [AS9829]  91.784 ms  94.430 ms  96.794 ms
 5  * * *
 6  * * *
 7  * * *
 8  * * *

I have been hosting RIPE Probe #1032 and here is F Root connectivity data from proble:


As we can see root server is not accessible at all from Jan and even in Nov, Dec last year it was available with over 300ms latency which indicates network was not using Chennai anycast node since latency between this test probe placed in Haryana (North India) and Chennai (South India) should be around 70ms.



Anurag Bhatia
or simply - http://[2001:470:26:78f::5] if you are on IPv6 connected network!

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       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
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