Okay. I do see the discontinued note, thanks. I assume just the reporting of pings
is no longer being displayed, since a command line ping appears to still work.


On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Robert Kisteleki <robert@ripe.net> wrote:

This measurement has been discontinued since 2013-07-04, since the machine
(and the name) is no longer operational. This message should also show up on
the "built-in measurements" section on your probe status page.


On 2013.07.23. 16:11, AlbyVA wrote:
>   In reviewing My Probe stats, it appears that (ns.ripe.net
> <http://ns.ripe.net>) was once able to ping the server, but now
> it appears to be failing. All my other ping stats under My Probe show
> successful pings to other
> servers, but for some reason ns.ripe.net <http://ns.ripe.net> is failing.
> Does anybody have a suggestion of what
> might be going on, since ping is working to all the other servers.
> -Alby