On 06/06/2017 19:03, Gert Doering wrote:
On Tue, Jun 06, 2017 at 06:48:33PM +0200, Antonio Prado wrote:
This Internet transit should meet the following criteria:
average round trip delay (echo request, echo reply) toward $NEAREST_ATLAS_ANCHOR should be less than 100ms on a 10k packets stream of pings; packet loss equal or less than 0.02%
pros, cons, recommendations?
Too simple. What if that anchor is down, or the anchor host network has a network bottleneck towards the transit provider you are using?
So you need something that averages over multiple anchors - we used to do that via TTM ("if our TTM hosts can reach more than 80% of all other TTM hosts, we declare the Internet to be in good working condition" - note the "80%", because something is always down somewhere) but haven't come around to define & implement something based on ATLAS yet.
You could also check the new stability system-tags on the anchors. That way you only compare with the anchors that are believed to currently have 'good' reachability. Cheers, Colin